How to Get Free Press Releases for Your Australian Small Business

Getting free press should be the aim of every Australian small business. Free press is not only cheaper than paid advertising, and more consumers tend to believe the editorial than the ads that surround it.

More and more small business owners are getting wiser to press releases though, so you need to work on creating great ones that attract interest.

A 2018 survey of US based PR professionals found that fifty one percent said getting media coverage is becoming harder. Around one third (32%) felt that it is currently about the same and 14% are unsure. Only a fraction at 3%, said it’s getting easier.

What exactly is a Press Release?

A press release is basically a one page article which is either put out by a company or its PR firm, for the purpose of announcing something they believe is news worthy.

It is typically sent to the media directly, as well as distributed across social media and other distribution channels.

Importance of Press Releases

Press Releases play a vital role in generating interest in your Australian business from the general media. Media are busy; they don’t go looking for news most news arrives to them.

A very effective press release will be rich in keywords and when sent to media, get their engagement, and make the phone ring.

It is crucial that your press release reaches effectively to the targeted audience or readers. An effectively written Press Release can create a huge buzz and can bring about new markets for your business.

How to write a Press Release

Press Releases have an exact format. They should not be written in form of stories. In order to write an effective press release, download one of the example templates out there on the web, and copy the style.

You can write as many as you like, but the trick is ensuring that they have news worthy content – would a reader of a newspaper or magazine, find the story about your Australian small business interesting?

Where to submit your press release

As well as your local media, which you can find contact details from their websites, there is also both paid and free press release submission and distribution websites. It depends on your budget, whether you should go for free or paid submissions.

Here is a short and up to date list of press release distribution sites.

Free Press Release Submission Sites List 2019

Good luck on getting coverage for your Australian small business using the power of press releases!

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