Complete Guide to Growing Perilla in Perth

Welcome to the complete guide to growing Perilla in Perth. In this post, I will take you through what you need to know to grow Perilla in your garden or verandah.

Herbs smell great and create wonderful happy sensations when we garden with them. Not only is growing herbs easy, there are many health benefits of herbs, such as preventing illnesses, easing pain and just their amazing tastes!

Potted herb

Best time to grow Perilla in Perth

The best time to grow this tasty herb in Perth, is between Aug-Nov.

If you are considering growing it elsewhere, you better check local weather and seasonal conditions.

Will Perilla grow in a pot?

Yes, it will grow fine in a good pot with quality soil.

How much sun is best?

Perilla thrives when it is positioned in a spot that gets Full sun/part shade.

If you find that the leaves start to brown, try moving it in shade, or via versa. Each area can have its own peculiar conditions.

Best soil type

Best soil to grow Perilla

If you are growing Perilla in Perth, you’ll find that it prefers a rich, heavy soil and will be very happy with it.

You can find potting mix that will do that just fine, or add some to your garden bed before planting.

Watering can for herbs

How often should I water?

Perilla needs Regular watering. There are self watering pots available if you plan to grow it in a pot, or you can just get in a regular habit of checking the soil each day or two.

When can I harvest Perilla?

You can harvest Perilla at its prime, which is around 2-3 months.

Herb gardening tools

What to propagate

You can plant Perilla from Seeds, and place each plant around 10-20 centimetres apart.

Frequency in growing Perilla

Perilla is a Annual herb.

Did you know?

Here are two interesting herb facts that you may not be aware of.

Fact 1: Egyptian schools of herbalists have existed since 3000 BC.

Fact 2: You can distinguish between spices and herbs by what section of the plant they come from. Herbs come from the green leafy parts of plants.

These make growing Perilla in your own Perth yard even more special, in my opinion.

Potted herb

Enjoy growing Perilla in Perth

I hope you enjoy growing Perilla in your garden or verandah.

It really is a wonderful herb to grow here in Western Australia, and you will also enjoy that it saves you money from buying dried versions or fresh (expensive) cuttings from the shops.

I hope you learned plenty from this guide. Good luck gardening!

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