Hire the Correct ECommerce Website Design Development Company

So, you want to run an e-commerce company as an individual or an organisation, but you don’t know where to start? Even if you are someone who finds all the How-to guides overwhelming, the provided tips on hiring the best company for NetSuite integration or other integration needs can help you pick the right option!

The Four Horsemen of Website Design & Development Stages

No, searching for a capable website design and development company does not have to involve biblical events. But, you must foremost familiarise yourself with the four streamlined stages when working with a Neto website development company.

Initial Concept & Design

A dedicated team will prepare a mockup of how your e-commerce website should appear. During this stage, it is of utmost importance to explain your vision to the design team of the concerning company handling the development.

If they are outsourcing it, make efforts to connect with the outsourced team and precisely explain your requirements to them. Do not explain to them how to design. Seriously, don’t!

Staging & Building Infrastructure

The next step after a design is finalised (as it should be because it is always possible to improve the scalability afterwards) deals with establishing Neto Commerce Cloud staging. The process will entail designing your store and the website on the coding level to make it run fast across devices.

Depending on your knowledge of NetSuite integration or lack thereof, you should still ask the development team about it. Chances are that they can offer you explanations of why it can help or what it can contribute to your business.

(For most cases, the team will perform the integration without you asking them to, at least industry professionals would.)

Complete Setup

The third horseman, or the development stage, will metaphorically involve bringing in the big guns. So, expect the development team to work on making Migrations, product setup, shipping and payments, 3rd party integrations/software, and other functionalities streamlined with the website infrastructure. And for some business e-Commerce stores, this stage can also include performing Acumatica Magento integration.

Test & Launch

It is here that sometimes development teams may consume more time, but vitally it should not extend beyond a month. However, the time window ultimately depends on the scale of your business and e-commerce store. After testing and final testing, the launch will essentially be the last horseman to offer your customers a new world.

Mistakes To Avoid

When you can’t distinguish between a correct and a generic choice, determining what can be wrong is one way to arrive at a decision. Likewise, here are the mistakes you should avoid when you hire a website development company to handle your E-Commerce integrations.

Not Studying Business Portfolio

Imagine how it might feel when you hire a web designing company to develop your website and perform e-commerce integration for you. Surely outsourced work can be good, but when it’s not, it can land you in enormous trouble with delays and high expenditure.

So, it is advised first to have a close look at the portfolio of the company you may approach. When things appear unclear, it’s also vital to ask them about their previous projects, any setbacks they faced, and how they resolved them. It might seem too much, but you’re building a business, and a detail-oriented approach is a must for eternity!

Not Having Total Site Control

Aside from the integrations owned by the respective parties and organisations, it’s a red flag when you don’t get complete control over your website as a business owner.

Although it may not be easy to add or remove features like using drag and drop, you should be able to implement them at your convenience using the authority you possess. Therefore, at all times, you should have the authority to access all the pages, services and operations on your website.

Ensuring Maintenance And Upkeep

Running a website requires administration and server costs, which you must pay either way across any scenario. So, when you cannot conveniently maintain your website or keep it alive, all the initial costs you have poured in may need to be shelled out all over again.

Hence, discussing the website’s regular maintenance, updates, upkeep, and such logistics are fundamental to provision from the get-go. Yeah, there’s another red flag for development companies that do not focus on it.

Niche-Focused Companies

Such companies can be a two-edged sword that could either win you the war or lose both the war and the battles. See, working with companies that only offer website design and development to specific clients can sometimes get you a similar-looking web store for your business.

In contrast, some companies deliver uniquely outstanding results in terms of web development integrations and e-Commerce store designing. So, it’s worth making more inquiries or preferring a firm that offers its services to a cross-industry-wide client base.

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